Procrastination Quotes

108 Procrastination Quotes

Let these procrastination quotes remind you to use your time wisely. Procrastinating is delaying that which should be done. Leaving things to tomorrow is never a good solution!

  1. Procrastinating does nothing more than add to your do list. Do it, be done with it!Catherine Pulsifer
    Quote of the Day
  2. He who thinks too much about every step he takes will always stay on one leg. Chinese Proverb
  3. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today English Proverbs
  4. The secret to beating procrastination is that we need to keep motivated. Every day we must motivate ourselves because when we are motivated we have energy.Priyanka Tripathi, Practice like a champion
    Positive Energy Quotes
  5. The reason why you’ll never be successful is because you procrastinate.You never finish stuff!Eric Thomas
  6. Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy. Wayne Gretzky
  7. If you know you have a tendency for procrastination, start your day by doing one or two of your most important tasks in the first hours of the morning.Frank Mullani, Discover the Magic of Motivation Now
  8. Change what you can change to the way you like. If you want to overcome procrastination, start today! (There’s really no other way.) Ray Divine, Encouragement
    Daily Motivation
  9. Have you something to do tomorrow? Do it today. Benjamin Franklin

  10. Have you something to do tomorrow? Do it today.Benjamin Franklin
    Encouraging Poems
  11. Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
  12. Procrastination does not mean that you are putting something off because there is a valid reason to do so. Byron Pulsifer, What Is Procrastination
    Inspirational Quotes
  13. There will always be a million reasons to wait until later. This is simply the nature of the animal called life. Richie Norton; Natalie Richie, The Power of Starting Something Stupid
  14. Procrastination is like stopping a train that left the station: when we procrastinate, we hold others up. Joseph R. Ferrari

  15. Procrastination is like stopping a train that left the station: when we procrastinate, we hold others up. Joseph R. Ferrari, Still Procrastinating
    Funny Inspirational Quotes
  16. We’ll define procrastination as the act of deferring action on something when taking earlier action would arguably have been a better decision.Damon Zahariades, The Procrastination Cure
  17. The ability to prioritize is highly important in terms of achieving your goal. It helps you to identify and focus only on the essential tasks. It frees you from falling into procrastination or getting distracted by less important tasks. Ted Robbins, Time Management
  18. Doubt increases with inaction. Clarity reveals itself in momentum. Growth comes from progress. For all these reasons, BEGIN. Brendon Burchard
  19. Procrastination is an art form that is less desirable than painting a detailed landscape using a three inch wide brush. Byron Pulsifer

  20. Procrastination is an art form that is less desirable than painting a detailed landscape using a three inch wide brush.Byron Pulsifer
    Funny Poems
  21. Not having direction can destroy motivation, because without an obvious next action we succumb to procrastination.Madhur Chugh, Motivation Made Simple
  22. Make sure you act when you have to and do not put off until tomorrow, or next week what must be done. Procrastination is a way to keep an issue in the fore front of your mind so it can simmer away and cause worry. Don’t be one of those people who say, if only someday I had more time. Get it done right now. Byron Pulsifer, Stop Worrying
  23. Chances are there are some things that trigger your tendencies to procrastinate. It is important you identify these things. And if possible, get rid of them. John Morgan, 100% Active and Productive
  24. The habit of setting priorities, overcoming procrastination, and getting on with your most important task is a mental and physical skill.
    Brian Tracy, Eat That Frog!
    Famous Quotes about Life
  25. People who have a loss of confidence in themselves use distractions to procrastinate their urgent work to future. Agatha Fauvel

  26. Distractions are a flip side to procrastination. People who have a loss of confidence in themselves use distractions to procrastinate their urgent work to future. Agatha Fauvel, Letting Go
  27. Concentrated work, for example, solves a lot of extra work in the future and boosts your career. But many prefer to feel good in the short term and procrastinate.David Valois, The Fast Method for Eliminating Bad Habits
  28. The words “tomorrow” and “later” are the enemies of successful people. Over the past five years that I’ve spent researching the science of success, I’ve discovered that successful people have an ability to “get things done” – even when they don’t feel like doing them.” Akash Karia, Ready, Set…PROCRASTINATE!
  29. One of the best tools to push yourself beyond procrastination, especially if it is something that will require a lot of money or time, is to start by breaking your task or goal into very small pieces. And, each small piece you finish not only moves you forward but shows you that what once seemed to doom high over your head is being accomplished one step at a time. Byron Pulsifer, Take Action Don’t Procrastinate
  30. Be deliberate, but once you've made up your mind -jump in. Charles R. Swindoll

  31. The habit of always putting off an experience until you can afford it, or until the time is right, or until you know how to do it is one of the greatest burglars of joy. Be deliberate, but once you’ve made up your mind -jump in. Charles R. Swindoll
  32. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.
    Mark Twain
    Cute Quotes
  33. I have met hundreds of people who have made putting off today what can be done tomorrow a science. Byron Pulsifer, If Only Someday
  34. We procrastinate because the thing we are procrastinating on is painful to us for various reasons, or at least not pleasurable enough to override whatever other activity may be at hand. Mike Buffington, Hacking Laziness
  35. Whatever form your procrastination comes in, learn to identify it, root it, and kick it out! Jim Howard

  36. Whatever form your procrastination comes in, learn to identify it, root it, and kick it out! Jim Howard, Clarity – Getting More Done in 3 Days
  37. Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future. Seneca
    Live Life
  38. We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until tomorrow. Keep going day in and day out. Concentrate on something useful. Having decided to achieve a task, achieve it at all costs. Arnold Bennett
  39. The appropriate definition of procrastination is the behavior of delaying or postponing something that needs to be completed (i.e. putting things off) despite knowing it will have a negative consequence. Nancy Morris, Procrastinate Now
    Quotes about Overcoming
  40. Procrastination may not take up a lot of effort physically but ... it takes over the mind. Stephen Hall

  41. Procrastination may not take up a lot of effort physically but without you knowing it, it takes over the mind. Stephen Hall, Self Discipline Secrets
  42. One early observation I made was how habitual procrastinators are generally impatient – due to their desire for instant results… their minds reconstruct the tasks they don�t want to deal with, into negative scenarios – each accompanied by logical explanations and predictions for why those tasks couldn’t possibly be accomplished. David Parker, The More You Do The Better You Feel
  43. “You, as a person who wants to be successful, need to make ‘I’m doing it now’ a part of your daily vocabulary.” Not, ‘I’ll do it after this email,’ or ‘I’ll do it tonight’.” Jacob Reimer, Entrepreneurship
    Daily Inspiration
  44. “If you find yourself procrastinating a lot you can simply remind yourself of the goals you need to reach and find a quiet work space where the number of distractions will be diminished.” R. C. Connor, The Overnight Best Seller
  45. You can defeat procrastination all by yourself. You're the one who started it and it's also you who can stop it. Samuel Andreas

  46. “You can defeat procrastination all by yourself. You’re the one who started it and it’s also you who can stop it.” Samuel Andreas, The Procrastination Cure – Self Help
    Believe In Yourself
  47. “Procrastination is not without its cost. The penalties vary from fines and reprimands to life threatening experiences. And we could be more tired by not doing something than by doing it.” Harold Taylor, Procrastinate Less and Enjoy Life More
    Best Motivational Quotes
  48. “Once you’ve visualized all the “painful” and “negative” things that are happening to you because of your inability to act on what’s wrong, you will start doing the right thing.” Joseph Help, Stop Procrastinating
  49. “Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the ‘someday I’ll’ philosophy.” Denis Waitley
  50. Don't procrastinate, life is way too short. J. Hebert

  51. Don’t procrastinate,
    Life is way too short.
    Do things as they come to you,
    Live your life like a high-speed sport.
    Julie Hebert, How To Live To One Hundred
    Motivational Poems
  52. “Doing just a little bit during the time we have available puts you that much further ahead than if you took no action at all.” Byron Pulsifer
  53. “Many of those who want to save keep waiting for the right time – it maybe when they get their next raise in case they feel they are earning peanuts, or when they stop paying some huge bills. Procrastination continues to contribute heavily to this problem.” Ellen Trump, Frugal Kids
  54. Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing! Donald Gardner

  55. “Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing!” Donald Gardner
    Funny Quotes about Life
  56. There is no denying that some of us are more prone to procrastination than others – that is simply a fact, whether we want to hear it or not. But there is nothing stopping any of us from taking steps towards changing our perceptions or actions. It just means that some of us will need to work at it that little bit harder than others. Hellen Kelly, Procrastination
    Quotes about Change
  57. So, what is procrastination? Procrastination is the ‘the thief of time’, it is when you continuously put off tasks with the intention of completing them at a later date. Jessie D., The Procrastinating Mind
  58. Setting a goal which is of no importance to you will lead to procrastination  Jack Clinton

  59. “Setting a goal which is of no importance to you will lead to procrastination and ulimately you will never try to acheive the task( goal) you have set.” Jack Clinton, Keep Calm and Stay Productive
    Goal Setting
  60. “You’ve probably had the experience of procrastinating on a project so long that you just decided to put it off until the next day. That’s ego depletion.” Beau Norton, 4 Simple Steps to Massive Success
  61. “Whatever you want to achieve, you have to keep on working on it continuously, setting and achieving targets. There should be no procrastination for whatever reason.” Chitesh Bhat, Everybody is Genius
    Achievement   |
  62. “. . . it should not surprise you to learn that a bad habit such as procrastination forms at a very tender age if the family members around a child or young adult exhibit the same tendencies.” Angel Greene, Self Help
  63. Get started. Do something. . . Movement is the best remedy for procrastinating. Anthony Herrera

  64. “Get started. Do something. Sign up for an aerobics class or go for a ride on your bicycle. Movement is the best remedy for procrastinating.” Anthony Herrera, Habits
  65. Procrastination is simply the inability to finish a task at the appointed time. It also entails the lack of motivation to carry out a task optimally until a certain deadline. Vicky Norah, The Anti-Procrastination Habit Workbook
  66. “However, if you really want to bust procrastination, waiting for the ‘right mood’ to come is not the right way to kick the habit of procrastination. You must find a way to finish your task whether you are in the mood to do so or not. Kristine Joy Escarilla, 50 Things to Know to Stop Procrastination
  67. “Procrastination often gets the best of us and can be a true damper on not only ones life, but also self-esteem, personal relationships and even health.” Oliver West, The Comprehensive Guide to Stop Procrastination
  68. Boredom is another common reason for procrastination.  Sam Davis

  69. “Boredom is another common reason for procrastination. You may have a job that you are very good at, but because you have done it for so long, it no longer challenges you.” Sam Davis, Stop Procrastination
  70. “How can you move beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone that challenge you, cause you discomfort or lead you to procrastination? In this stretch of your journey, challenge, encourage and acknowledge yourself, while you continually remind yourself of your vision.” Stephanie Chan, Power Up Your Perspective
    Comfort Zone
  71. “Procrastination can be categorized as habit, and that habit, if continued repeatedly and turned into a life style, transforms into a bad habit that can pull us back from progress and delay our success.” Mark Thomas, Procrastination Cure
  72. “If you really want to improve your life and start achieving your goals you are going to have to take a good, hard look at some things that you might not be proud of. If you procrastinate doing work on your online business because it interferes with your primetime television shows, be honest about it.” Ingo Michehl, Mindset
  73. It's easy to get distracted and procrastinate sometimes, but you can make it happen.  Danny Yann

  74. “It’s easy to get distracted and procrastinate sometimes, but you can make it happen.” Danny Yann, The Quest For Success
  75. Procrastination is a mindset devoid of the anticipation of enjoying working through a task or project. Procrastination is more a thief of life, enjoyment, or accomplishment than it is about laziness. Like conquering fear through action so it is that procrastination is defeated once action begins. Byron Pulsifer
  76. “Procrastination is the persistent practice of telling oneself that a task(s) should not, does not, or cannot be performed now. In plain English, it simply means: putting off a task beyond the timeframe in which should or could be performed.” K. B. Bryson, Overcoming Procrastination
  77. “Procrastination is the reason you have not yet realized your true capacities, the reason you have not yet optimized your financial opportunities, the reason your grades are not all A’s, and most definitely the reason you have not yet attained your dream car of dream house.” S. J. Thompson, I Hate the Way I Procrastinate
  78. Stop procrastinating, stop feeling guilty and just do it!

  79. “Stop procrastinating, stop feeling guilty and just do it!” Bastiaan Blikman; Blikman, Chantalle, Reclaim Yourself
    Words of Encouragement   |
  80. “Whether it is putting the task off until the last minute, or never starting the task in the first place, procrastination places unneeded stress in our lives.” J. J. Thomas, Self Improvement: Procrastinate No More

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