58 One Line Quotes on Life
Mark Twain once said that he didn’t have time to write a short letter, so he wrote a long letter. His meaning was that it takes more time to condense our thoughts down into something that’s succinct and to the point. So with this in mind, this list of One Line Quotes on Life have got to be our most wise and most beneficial? (although I’m not sure it’s a linear scale!). Let’s just agree that these quotes will both inspire and encourage you to be positive about this wonderful thing called life! May they truly lift your day. Enjoy.
Published by: Ben Gillison and Catherine Pulsifer
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- The secret to life is to love who you are – warts and all. David DeNotaris
- Today my kitchen is “family central.” Life happens there. Jeff Henderson, Chef Jeff Cooks
- Look for opportunities in every change in your life. Meir Liraz, How to Improve Your Leadership and Management Skills
- The light heart lives long. Irish Proverb
- The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye. Jimi Hendrix
One line that holds much wisdom! The older you get the truer this quote is. You turn around and years seem to have gone by in a blink of a day. - Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research. Carl Gustav Jung
- Life is a question and how we live it is our answer. Gary Keller
- Accept life as it is. Then work to make it the way you want it to be. Cindy Francis
- Parenting is a lifetime assignment. Ken Robinson, You, Your Child, and School
A short quote but these 5 words are so true! - Life is accepting what is and working from that. Gloria Naylor
- Life is a long lesson in humility. J.M. Barrie
- Persist while others are quitting. William Arthur Ward
Persistence in life will take you further. Don’t be that person who quits at the first obstacle, find a way around it. Have determination, be persistence, open your mind and if you can’t find a way around it, then go over it, under it, just find a way – that is being persistent! - Where there is love there is life Gandhi
- ….the best teachers educate young people for life, not school. Ira Socol, Timeless Learning
Think of the teachers in your life who made a difference. You will find that it is not the subject they taught you but the attitudes and teachings on life that made the difference! - Mornings contain the secret to an extraordinarily successful life. Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning for Addiction Recovery
Morning the time of day when you are able to accomplish so much more as the rest of the world sleeps! - Little decisions you make alter your life, but they rarely do so all at once. Janet Springer, Unbreakable Willpower
- There is no life as complete as the life that is lived by choice. Shad Helmstetter, Ph. D.
- Everyone’s life is a fairy tale, written by God’s fingers. Hans Christian Andersen
- The desire to live a purposeful life, I truly believe, resides in all humans. Paulo Braga, A Happy Life: Achieving and Laughing
- Learning is a weightless treasure you can always carry easily. Chinese Proverb
Such wise words. Continual learning and quest for knowledge should be a life long goal for each of us! - Everything that we do today determines how we’re going to live life tomorrow. Martin Dasko, Failure To Launch No More
The decisions we make today does affect our lives. Like the farmer who plants seeds today, will reap a harvest. And likewise, those who don’t plant will not see a harvest! - Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Jesus, Matthew 6:27
Love these words of Jesus. Why worry, it actually can affect your health causing unneeded stress. If you can do something about that which worries you then do so, otherwise give it to God! - “Model – that is, live – the behavior you want others to practice.” Mario Morino, Leap of Reason
- “People without self-awareness go through life simply reacting out of habit.” John C. Allen, Emotional Intelligence
- A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him. Nicolas Boileau
- We must not let weakness justify our inadequacies. David R. Blumenthal, Keeping God at the Center
- You have the vision to set goals that reflect the reality and the dignity of your situation. Denise M. Brown, Take Comfort
- “In life we can have results or reasons.” Harald Anderson
Another one liner that contains much wisdom. Which do you have? Be the person with results not with reasons! Take action and move towards your goals. - “The more you love the least deserving on your list, the more your life will change.” Mike Dooley
- “Attitude and ability are complementary to each other for success in life.” M. K. Soni
- The story you live and the identity you inhabit are always a choice. Bernadette Jiwa, Story Driven
Each and every day we are writing our life story. We choose each day what will be written. Choose wisely! - I believe that the ability to remain calm is an essential skill in modern life. Rick Mathis, Stay Calm
- Happiness consists not in having much, but in being content with little. Marguerite Gardiner
We all strive for happiness in life. The secret of happiness is found in this quote. Are you content with what you have? - Life is an adventure and getting wherever you are going is half the fun. Amy, All Good Things Take Time
Enjoy the adventure, take time to have fun as you are working towards your goals. - Your life is your message. Gandhi
- A bad habit has a unique detrimental effect on your life. Richard D. Rawlings, End Bad Habits
- “When you help another. When you serve another. Your life matters. Period.” Paul Evans, Success is NOT an Accident!
Helping others, having a servant attitude will bring you more satisfaction than you can imagine. At the end of your life how many people will you have helped? You can make a difference in the lives of others! - “To achieve anything and move forward in life, you need to take risks.” Bastiaan Blikman; Chantalle Blikman, Be Happy and Successful
- The cure for moving too fast is just to slow down. William E. Coles, Jr.
Seems like common sense, yet often in life we forget how to slow down. Today’s culture seems to pressure us to do more and be faster. Take time out and don’t burn out! - Live a life that is well balanced; don’t do things in excess. Daniel Smith, Banned Subconscious Mind Secrets
- Nothing in this world is impossible to a willing heart. Abraham Lincoln
- Decisions without actions are worthless. W. Clement Stone
You can make a decision in life but then not take the action required which makes the decision useless! - Victory belongs to the most persevering. Napoleon
- It’s not the mistake that matters, it’s how you interpret the lesson. Michelle C. Ustaszeski
In life we all make mistakes. The difference is in our attitude. Do we learn from the mistakes? - Prayer is the pulse of life. Andrew Murray
- The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. Oscar Wilde
While these words may make you smile, stop and think the next time you complain about your job what your life would be like without it!
Do not resent growing old. Many are denied the privilege. Irish Proverb
Be thankful for each year of your life!- The life of wisdom must be a life of contemplation combined with action.M. Scott Peck
- In giving your love, you brighten someone else�s life.Vishnu’s Virtues, Love After Heartbreak
- Imagine the people you can truly help by living your best life.Fran Curcio, Simple Life Lessons from a Soul Sister now Grown
- May the clouds in your life be only a background for a lovely sunset.Irish Saying
- A little improvement each day makes a big difference over time.
Tony Dungy - Sometimes the bad things in life open our eyes to the good things we weren’t paying attention to before.
Diana Elmessiri - We spend much of our lives on autopilot and can end up in a life we didn�t consciously create.
Ashley Ellington Brown, A Beautiful Morning - When we operate from a soulful, loving perspective, we are fully engaged in life.
Claus B�ckmann, Soulful Living - That’s why it isn’t always summer but that’s also why you can always have summer if you have warmth in your heart.
Bob Norton, Two Strangers – One Soul - Don’t live in the past, every new day is a new startNeviesh Perry, To my Sisters
- Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate. Amit Ray
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